August General Meeting

August 12
11:30 am
Denton County Southwest Courthouse
6200 Canyon Falls Dr., Argyle


Do you know the difference between a District Court and a Court of Appeals?

Well, most of us probably don’t, so we are taking advantage of our August TSRW meeting not only to learn about these courts, but also to meet our GOP Standard bearers for these benches in the November election. Both of these judicial candidates face Democrats in the Fall.

Justice Mike Wallach, sits on the 2nd Court of Appeals, which convenes in Ft. Worth. The seven-person court has jurisdiction over 12 North Texas counties, including both Denton and Tarrant.

Jim Johnson is the GOP candidate for the 431 District Court, wholly within Denton County. He won the recent runoff election to become our nominee. Both candidates also will explain how their campaigns are going and how we can help.

We will be meeting at the Denton County SW Courthouse at 11:30 for social time and noon for our meeting on Wednesday, August 12. Please bring a brown bag lunch and we will be maintaining social distancing. This Courthouse requires masks when more than 6 feet separation is not possible.

With fewer than 100 days until the November general election, Republicans have to get into gear and be ready to work, work, WORK to see to it that NO Democrat is elected here in our area! Be sure to come and see how YOU can help!