Our Mission

Texas Strong Republican Women work for the election of the Republican Party’s nominees, to promote an informed electorate through political education; to increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government through active political participation; to facilitate cooperation among local Republican Women’s clubs; and to foster loyalty to the Republican Party and to promote its principles and candidates in all elections including non-partisan elections.

Upcoming Events

Texas Republican Women Strong Republican Women in Texas Texas GOP Women Conservative Women in Texas Texas Republican Women's Groups Texas Republican Party Women in Texas politics Conservative women's organizations Texas GOP events Republican women's leadership Texas political advocacy Empowering conservative women Women in Texas government Texas Republican Women’s network Grassroots Republican women in Texas How to join Texas Strong Republican Women Events for Texas Republican women Texas Republican women political leaders Advocacy for conservative women in Texas Texas GOP women's initiatives Texas women's political groups Female GOP leaders in Texas Texas women’s political empowerment Texas conservative women’s voices Republican women's clubs in Texas

Texas Republican Women Strong Republican Women in Texas Texas GOP Women Conservative Women in Texas Texas Republican Women's Groups Texas Republican Party Women in Texas politics Conservative women's organizations Texas GOP events Republican women's leadership Texas political advocacy Empowering conservative women Women in Texas government Texas Republican Women’s network Grassroots Republican women in Texas How to join Texas Strong Republican Women Events for Texas Republican women Texas Republican women political leaders Advocacy for conservative women in Texas Texas GOP women's initiatives Texas women's political groups Female GOP leaders in Texas Texas women’s political empowerment Texas conservative women’s voices Republican women's clubs in Texas

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Events & Meetings

Conservative Coffee Chat

October 26
Argyle, TX 10:00 AM Seeden Photography Studio More Info

November General Meeting

November 13
Flower Mound, TX 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM SW Denton County Courthouse - Community Room More Info

December General Meeting

December 11
Flower Mound, TX 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM SW Denton County Courthouse - Community Room More Info

Political Action Hours

Submit your Texas Strong Republican Women Volunteer Hours! All you have to do is fill out the form below. Yes, it really is that easy! This applies to all full members AND male associate members! Want to know what counts as volunteer hours?

Membership goal
Volunteer hours2nd quarter
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 500.
  • Number of Political Calls Made this quarter. This includes Get Out the Vote Calls and any Voter Engagement Project calls
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.