April General Meeting

April 10
11:30 am
The Holiday Inn
725 Plaza Drive, Trophy Club

Texas Strong Republican Women will meet on Wednesday, April 10, 2019, at the Holiday Inn, 725 Plaza Drive, Trophy Club.  We will meet at 11:30.  The Holiday Inn is a new building and it’s very easy to reach.  It’s on the north side of Hwy 114, eleven miles from Robson Ranch.

We will be served a buffet lunch for $25. Eating is optional, but we certainly want you to come enjoy and learn from our speaker. Lunch and our business meeting will begin at 11:30 a.m.

We are honored to present Judge Josh Burgesswho was appointed to the 352d District Court in 2017.  Governor Abbott recognized two decades of legal experience and the conservative approach that Judge Burgess brings to the bench.  The Judge is dedicated to maintaining an honest and transparent judicial system.    

Judge Burgess has an interesting, international legal and military background including the successful prosecution of the Southlake Cartel Murder case in 2016.  Two cousins were convicted of interstate stalking and conspiracy to commit murder. Judge Burgess referred to those men’s behavior as “big game hunting guides.”

You do not want to miss this presentation by Judge Burgess.  Guests are always welcome.  Please feel free to invite those men you live and work with.

May’s meeting will feature Dr. Robin Armstrong, a physician in the Galveston area.  He has served in several state offices of the Republican Party.  Dr. Armstrong will share his experiences and help us decipher so many of today’s confusing events.