April General Meeting

April 10
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Denton County SW Courthouse
6200 Canyon Falls Dr., Argyle, TX

Each month, we are excited to have informative guests come and discuss important topics impacting our local community, state and the nation.


Sadly, throughout Texas and even here in Denton County, crimes against children are horrific and frequent. Our April Program will feature Andi Fletcher, wife of our own Constable Danny Fletcher, who serves as an investigator for the Criminal District Attorney into these kinds of crimes against children. Andi will share with us how she investigates these cases and how lay people can recognize possible signs of these crimes. She will be joined by an Assistant District Attorney from the Crimes against Children section who has just completed a trial concerning a child’s murder. Please plan to join us for this disturbing but vital message.

There will also be a special confidential report on the dastardly Hamas attack on Israel.

Please gather with us for our noon meeting Wednesday, April 10 at the SW Denton County Courthouse Community Room. The program will begin at noon and we will adjourn about 1:00. Thank you!


Dianne Edmondson

Vice President — Programs