🎃TSRW October Meeting🎃
October 14, 2020
11:30 A.M.
Italian Bistro
Ladies, we will have lunch available for our Wednesday, October 14 Texas Strong Republican Women meeting! Yes, we will gather at 11:30 at the Italian Bistro, 501 East Byron Nelson Blvd. in Roanoke. This nearby restaurant has a delicious Italian menu, reasonable pricing and a private room for our meeting. And, yes, we will be able to practice social distancing.
You won’t want to miss this meeting because our speaker is the incredible TAN PARKER, our senior State Representative from Denton County.  He will share some very important, and perhaps disturbing, election information with us. Early voting will have just started, and Tan may have some very timely data for us.
So please plan to join us and see how YOU can help keep Texas and Denton County bright RED!  We would love for you to bring other Republicans with you to visit – and remember, men can also join our club! We need all GOP hands on deck for the November election!